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Título : Diseño de un sistema de costos por procesos para Lácteos Delgado del cantón Guamote, provincia de Chimborazo
Autor : Yaguachi Caiza, Nelly Beatriz
Director(es): Yambay Hernández, Eduardo Andrés
Tribunal (Tesis): Chávez Hernández, Zonia del Rocío
Fecha de publicación : 31-may-2023
Editorial : Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
Citación : Yaguachi Caiza, Nelly Beatriz. (2023). Diseño de un sistema de costos por procesos para Lácteos Delgado del cantón Guamote, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Identificador : UDCTFADE;82T01456
Abstract : The design of a process costing system for Lácteos Delgado in Guamote canton, Province of Chimborazo, was carried out through the use of quantitative and qualitative methods, constituting a field, bibliographic and scientific research, using inductive and deductive methods, which were used for discernment and analysis of the reality as it was presented and without any manipulation of variables, as well as techniques such as observation and surveys, in addition to the methodology of the process costing system. In this context, it was determined that the company lacks a cost accounting system, so it does not exercise the respective control and recording of cost elements such as raw materials -inventory management-labor, and indirect manufacturing costs, as well as operating expenses. In this sense, the research served for the design of the cost system, which allows the microenterprise Lácteos Delgado to have accurate, timely, reliable, and credible information for the evaluation and efficient and effective decision-making on production costs and pricing of the products it manufactures, through the use of control in each of the resources that the microenterprise has, allowing the adoption of corrective measures on the progress of the business and thus achieve the determination of a selling price, which will enable it to be competitive in the market, maintaining the desired profit margins. The design of a process costing system for Lácteos Delgado in Guamote canton, Province of Chimborazo, was carried out through the use of quantitative and qualitative methods, constituting a field, bibliographic and scientific research, using inductive and deductive methods, which were used for discernment and analysis of the reality as it was presented and without any manipulation of variables, as well as techniques such as observation and surveys, in addition to the methodology of the process costing system. In this context, it was determined that the company lacks a cost accounting system, so it does not exercise the respective control and recording of cost elements such as raw materials -inventory management-labor, and indirect manufacturing costs, as well as operating expenses. In this sense, the research served for the design of the cost system, which allows the microenterprise Lácteos Delgado to have accurate, timely, reliable, and credible information for the evaluation and efficient and effective decision-making on production costs and pricing of the products it manufactures, through the use of control in each of the resources that the microenterprise has, allowing the adoption of corrective measures on the progress of the business and thus achieve the determination of a selling price, which will enable it to be competitive in the market, maintaining the desired profit margins
Resumen : El Diseño de un sistema de costos por procesos para Lácteos Delgado del cantón Guamote, Provincia de Chimborazo, se lo ejecutó mediante la utilización de la modalidad cuantitativa y cualitativa constituyéndose una investigación de campo, bibliográfica y científica, empleando los métodos inductivo y deductivo, los cuales fueron motivo de discernimiento y análisis de la realidad tal como se presentaron y sin manipulación alguna de variables, de igual forma se utilizaron técnicas como la observación y las encuestas; a más de la metodología propia del sistema de costos por procesos. Con este contexto se determinó que la empresa respecto a la contabilidad carece de un sistema contable de costos, de tal manera que no ejerce el respectivo control y registro de los elementos del costo como son materia prima -manejo de inventarios-, mano de obra y costos indirectos de fabricación al igual que los gastos de operación. En este sentido la investigación sirvió para el diseño del sistema de costos, el cual permite a la microempresa Lácteos Delgado, cuente con información real, oportuna, confiable y razonable para la evaluación y toma de decisiones eficientes y eficaces sobre los costos de producción y fijación de precios de los productos que fabrica, mediante el empleo de un control en cada uno de los recursos que posee la microempresa, permitiéndole la adopción de correctivos sobre la marcha del negocio y de esta forma lograr la determinación de un precio de venta, que le permita ser competitivo dentro del mercado, manteniendo los márgenes de utilidad deseables
URI : http://dspace.espoch.edu.ec/handle/123456789/19714
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniero/a en Contabilidad y Auditoría; Licenciado/a en Contabilidad y Auditoría

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