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dc.contributor.advisorDuchi Duchi, Nelson Antonio-
dc.contributor.authorMorocho León, Edison Fabián-
dc.identifier.citationMorocho León, Edison Fabián. (2014). Utilización de aceite esencial de orégano más cobalto en la producción de leche en vacas jersey. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.es_ES
dc.descriptionEn la hacienda “El Puente”, cantón Riobamba, provincia Chimborazo, se evaluó el comportamiento productivo de vacas Jersey, por efecto de la adición de aceite esencial de Orégano más Cobalto (Rum-A-Fresh Plus) en la dieta, los mismos que fueron comparados con un tratamiento control, distribuidos bajo un Diseño Completamente al Azar, evaluándose diferentes variables productivas durante 120 días de investigación. Los animales fueron alimentados: T0; forraje (rey grass, llantén forrajero, alfalfa, achicoria) 66,62%, ensilaje 18,39%, concentrado 14,99% como dieta base: T1; dieta base más 18 g (Rum-A-Fresh Plus): T2; Dieta base más 28 g (Rum-A-Fresh Plus): T3 dieta base más 38 g (Rum-A-Fresh Plus). La calidad nutritiva de la dieta fue de 17,58% PB; 1,60 ENL Mcal/Kg MS; 0,72% de calcio y 0,51% de fósforo. Determinándose la mejor producción de leche (P<0,01) de 17,77 ± 0,41Lts de leche/vaca/día para T3 y el T0 de 13,21 Lts de leche/vaca/día, la condición corporal (P<0,05) para T3 (3,45 ± 0,12 puntos) y T0; (2,55 puntos). En la evaluación de calidad de leche el contenido de grasa final (P<0,05) presentó para el T3 (5,0 ± 0,16 %) y (4,21 %) T0, el contenido de células somáticas final (P<0,01) para T0 (186,43 células/ml) y (93,17 ± 4,64 células/ml) T3,el mejor beneficio-costo, con 1,23 USD para T3. En conclusión el mayor rendimiento en producción de leche diaria y la mejor condición corporal de vacas Jersey se obtuvo al adicionar 38g/día de Rum-A-Fresh Plus a la dieta. Finalmente se recomienda transferir los resultados obtenidos a nivel de explotaciones lecheras, a fin de utilizar aditivos que permitan obtener mayor producción de leche y de óptima calidades_ES
dc.description.abstractAt the farm "El Puente", canton Riobamba, province of Chimborazo, the productive behavior of Jersey cows was evaluated, by effect of the addition of Origan essential oil plus cobalt (Rum-A-Fresh Plus) in the diet, which were compared with a treatment control, distributed under a completely randomized design, assessing different productive variables during 120 days of investigation. The animals were fed: TO; forage (King Grass, plantain forage, alfalfa and chicory) 66, 62%, silage 18, 39%, concentrated 14,99% as base diet: T1; base diet plus 18 g (Rum-A- Fresh Plus): T2; base diet plus 28 g (Rum-A-Fresh Plus): T3; base diet plus 38 g (Rum-A-Fresh Plus). The nutritional quality of the diet was 17,58 % PB; 1, 60 ENL Mcal/kg MS; 0,72 % of calcium and 0, 51 % of phosphorus. Determining the best milk production (P<0,01) of 17, 77 0, 41 Lts of milk/cow/day for T3 and TO of 13, 21 Lts of milk/cow/day, the body condition (P<0, 05) for T3 (3, 45 + 0, 12 points) and TO; (2,55points). In the milk quality evaluation the content of final fat (P<0, 05) presented for the T3 (5, 0 + 0,16 %) and (4,21 %) TO, the final content of somatic cells (P<0,01) for TO (186, 43 cells/ml) and (93, 17 +4, 64 cells/ml) T3, the best benefit - cost, with 1, 23 USD for T3. In conclusion the biggest yield in production of daily milk and the best corporal condition of Jersey cows was obtained on having added 38 g/day of Rum-A-Fresh Plus to the diet. Finally it is recommended to transfer the results obtained at level of dairy holdings, in order to use additives that allow to obtain a higher milk production and of an optimum quality.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn Chimborazo province, canton Riobamba, Parish San Juan, In the UCASAJ farm ( Union of farmers organizations of San Juan) it made the evaluation of six alternatives of fertilization: starlite (T1), agronitrogeno (T2), cattle manure (T3), urea (T4), urea and cattle mature (T5) and the witness (T6) applied in two periods, post cut ( 5 and 15 days) feed in a mixture composed by raygrass perenne (Lolium perenne), annual ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum), blue grass ( Dactilis glomerata) and Alfalfa ( Medicado sativa), the research had 168 long days, the size of the experimental units were 8 x 8 meters, with three repeats per treatment, giving a total of 36 experimental units site, with a total net area of test 2304 m2. The distribution of treatments is performed by an Experiment nested of Block Design Completely Random in a settlement of plots divided. The results reported that the best performance is obtained by applying the treatment of urea to 15 days after cutting in three copies of the test, with a green forage production, dry matter, plant height and benefit cost of 9,90, 17,67 and 18,50 Tn/ha/ cut dry matter, 52,62, 54,21 and 57,54 cm of the plant height and 23,97 and 114% of profitability in the first second and third repeat respectively. Therefore recommended fertilize with urea 15 days post a court, is it reported the best production rates.es_ES
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazoes_ES
dc.subjectVACAS JERSEYes_ES
dc.subjectRIOBAMBA (CANTON)es_ES
dc.subjectGANADO VACUNOes_ES
dc.titleUtilización de aceite esencial de orégano más cobalto en la producción de leche en vacas jerseyes_ES
dc.contributor.miembrotribunalAlmeida López, Fabián Augusto-
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniero/a Zootécnista

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