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dc.contributor.advisorArias, Janeth-
dc.contributor.authorRepetto Paredes, Juan Carlos.-
dc.contributor.authorYupangui Jaramillo, Omar Paul.-
dc.identifier.citationRepetto Paredes, Juan Carlos. y Yupangui Jaramillo, Omar Paul. (2015). Aplicación del Control Predictivo Mediante un Dispositivo Lógico Programable en el Laboratorio de Curtiembre de la FCP- ESPOCH. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.es_ES
dc.descriptionSe aplicó control predictivo mediante un dispositivo lógico programable, para lograr una correcta dosificación de químicos en polvo suministrados por una tolva, en la etapa de acabado del curtido de cuero, llevado a cabo en el laboratorio de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Se utilizó el método deductivo para el desarrollo del diseño estructural, la circuitería interna y el algoritmo de control. La tolva se construyó con vidrio, el sistema de dosificación con varillas de acero inoxidable y tubería plástica, se usaron microcontrolares A4988 para controlar los motores paso a paso y una fuente de computadora para alimentar los diferentes elementos. El algoritmo de control predictivo y la interfaz de monitoreo de datos se los desarrollo en LabView 2013, los cuales se encargan de procesar los datos para dosificar correctamente la cantidad de químicos en polvo. La comunicación se realizó mediante Arduino Mega que presenta una gran cantidad de salidas y entradas, lo cual hizo que la comunicación entre el software y el hardware sea óptima. Se obtuvo excelentes resultados, de acuerdo a las pruebas realizadas el margen de eficiencia es del 97%. La aplicación de control predictivo nos brinda una mayor versatilidad en el procesamiento de datos y de futuras respuestas en un margen de tiempo preestablecido por el programador. Se recomienda implementar un prototipo en el laboratorio de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, que realice todo el proceso de curtiembre y no solo el de acabados, lo que generaría una mayor cantidad de procesos de curtiembre.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIt was applied predictive control by using a programmable logic device, to reach a correct dosing of chemical in powder provided by a hopper, in the stage of leather tanning finishing, wich has taken place in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the Higher School Polytechnic of Chimborazo (Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo). It was used the deductive method for the structural development design, the internal hardwiring and the algorithm of control. The hopper was built with glass, the system of dosing with stainless Steel rods, micro controls A4988 were used to control the engines, step by step and a computer source to feed the different elements. The algorithm of predictive control and the interface of monitoring of a data were develop within Labview 2013, which are in charge of processing the data to dosify correctly the quantity of chemical in powder. The communication was made by means of Arduino Mega that presents a great quantity of inputs and outputs, with made that communication between the software and hardware be optimal. It was obtained excellent outcomes, according to the test made, the margin of efficiency is of 97%. The application of predictive control bring us a great versatility in the data processing and the future answers in a margin of pre-established time by the programmer. It was applied predictive control by using a programmable logic device, to reach a correct dosing of chemical in powder provided by a hopper, in the stage of leather tanning finishing, wich has taken place in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the Higher School Polytechnic of Chimborazo (Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo). It was used the deductive method for the structural development design, the internal hardwiring and the algorithm of control. The hopper was built with glass, the system of dosing with stainless Steel rods, micro controls A4988 were used to control the engines, step by step and a computer source to feed the different elements. The algorithm of predictive control and the interface of monitoring of a data were develop within Labview 2013, which are in charge of processing the data to dosify correctly the quantity of chemical in powder. The communication was made by means of Arduino Mega that presents a great quantity of inputs and outputs, with made that communication between the software and hardware be optimal. It was obtained excellent outcomes, according to the test made, the margin of efficiency is of 97%. The application of predictive control bring us a great versatility in the data processing and the future answers in a margin of pre-established time by the programmer. It is recommended to implement a prototype in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the Higher School Polytechnic of Chimborazo, which executes all the tanning process and not only the finishing, which would generate a great quantity of tanning processes. It is recommended to implement a prototype in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the Higher School Polytechnic of Chimborazo, which executes all the tanning process and not only the finishing, which would generate a great quantity of tanning processes.es_ES
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazoes_ES
dc.titleAplicación del Control Predictivo Mediante un Dispositivo Lógico Programable en el Laboratorio de Curtiembre de la FCP- ESPOCH.es_ES
dc.contributor.miembrotribunalArellano, Alberto-
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniero en Electrónica, Control y Redes Industriales; Ingeniero/a en Electrónica y Automatización

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