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dc.contributor.authorTapia, Valeria-
dc.contributor.authorParada, Mabel-
dc.contributor.authorHerrera, Mishel-
dc.descriptionEn el Ecuador la nueva matriz productiva tiene como finalidad aprovechar aquellos alimentos nativos del país para fomentar su cultivo y comercialización a través de la creación de nuevos productos y sistemas de producción que sean capaces de mantener la soberanía alimentaria del país; en base a ello se procedió a diseñar un proceso industrial para obtener compota a partir de jícama; fruta poco conocida rica en Fructooligosacáridos (FOS). Inicialmente se realizaron 3 formulaciones de jícama combinada con otras frutas, mismas que fueron analizadas bajo criterios nutricionales y sensoriales. Posteriormente para validar el proceso se realizaron los análisis de acuerdo a la NTE INEN 3078 Purés En Conserva. Adicionalmente se realizó un análisis de actividad antioxidante por el método de Dpph, análisis de Vitamina B9 y C del producto final.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe aim ofthe new productive develop in Ecuador is the take advantage its native foods, and promote its cultivation and commercialization through the creation of new products and production systems, that they are able to keep the country's food sovereignty; based on this, an industrial process was de­ veloped to obtain Jicama compote; little known fruit rich in Fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Initially 3 compote formulations were made from Jicama combined with other fruits, which were analyzed under nutritional and sensorial criteria, their statistical analysis provided the results to choose the formulation of the mayor's acceptance and this was the compote made from jicama, aubergine and apple. Subsequently to validate the process, analyzes were carried out according to the NTE INEN 3078 Pureed Preserves. In addition, an analysis of antioxidant activity was performed by the Dpph method, an analysis ofVitamin B9 and C. The design ofthe profitable compote process to the market was successfully achieved. It is recommended to that are implemented new formulations keeping the jicama as a base to modemize to increase their production to make their market was expanded.es_ES
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazoes_ES
dc.titleObtención de compota, a partir de Jícama (Smallanthus sonchifolius).es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Número 18, Vol.2 (Julio - Diciembre 2017)

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